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Important Security Bug-fix Release

Severity: High

CVE-2021-44228 (Tomcat - fixed in 9.0.54)

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Since this release, users can activate a TOTP (Time-based One-time Password algorithm) factor to their password. The 2FA factor complies with RFC 6238 and can be used with the usual programmes for this purpose, e.g. Google Authenticator, KeePassXC, Botan, iOS 15, etc.

Refresh JPEG Encoder

Use of a new JPEG encoder that slightly improves encoder performance.

SwitchUser API

The API for changing the user via the web interface has been completely re-implemented. However, the API requests themselves do not change.

Fallback Redirects bug

Fix bugs with static redirected fallback images.

PNG Format bugfix

Fix wrong colors with some PNG images in rare Channel/ICC combinations.

Import Queue improved

Reduce used memory per importer job and increased job queue. As a result, the storage is filled more evenly.

FSI Pages

added parameters:

  • flipCornerSize - Defines the size of the draggable corner of each page
  • flipEdgeSize - Defines the size of the draggable edge of each page