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Important Security Bug-fix Release

Severity: High

CVE-2021-44228 (Tomcat - fixed in 9.0.54)

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Since this release, users can activate a TOTP (Time-based One-time Password algorithm) factor to their password. The 2FA factor complies with RFC 6238 and can be used with the usual programmes for this purpose, e.g. Google Authenticator, KeePassXC, Botan, iOS 15, etc.

Refresh JPEG Encoder

Use of a new JPEG encoder that slightly improves encoder performance.

SwitchUser API

The API for changing the user via the web interface has been completely re-implemented. However, the API requests themselves do not change.

Fallback Redirects bug

Fix bugs with static redirected fallback images.

PNG Format bugfix

Fix wrong colors with some PNG images in rare Channel/ICC combinations.

Import Queue improved

Reduce used memory per importer job and increased job queue. As a result, the storage is filled more evenly.

FSI Pages

added parameters:

  • flipCornerSize - Defines the size of the draggable corner of each page
  • flipEdgeSize - Defines the size of the draggable edge of each page


Important Security Bug-fix Release

Severity: High

CVE-2021-30639 (Tomcat - fixed in 9.0.45)
CVE-2021-41079 (Tomcat - fixed in 9.0.44)
CVE-2021-25122 (Tomcat - fixed in 9.0.43)

Fix possible expire problem with new licenses

Fixed an issue that could cause the licence to expire prematurely. This only applied to time limited licences.

Update CORS filter

The handling of CORS requests has been reimplemented. Fixed wildcard origins bugs.

Reduce log level for invalid effects

Too many irrelevant log outputs were logged for invalid effect requests. The log outputs have been adjusted.

Fix WebP problems

Excessive memory consumption with very large WebP encodings has been fixed.

Fix problem with slow uploads

Fixed a bug that prevented images that uploaded very slowly from being imported.

Static Request Settings

Support for the size of the chuck in byte range requests for static assets has been added and separated timeout for static requests.
Parameter: generalSettings.application.requestStaticChunk
Parameter: generalSettings.application.requestStaticTimeout


Added environment variables to change log verbosity.

The used memory is now displayed in detail per job.

Supported operating system

Removed support for running FSI Server directly under MacOS X (x86).

Live data view

Fix problem with display the correct import queue lenght.

PNG images

Fix issues with PNG encoded images with palettes and no transparency channel.

Health Service

The internal health thread use now a mockup renderer to determine out-of-memory issues during runtime.

Add support for static fallback images

It's now possible to use static redirects as 404 fallback images.

Response header X-Dim

Fix issue (wrong value) with X-Dim response header.

Bugfix format scanner

Fixed a recognition bug in format scanner, if magic format scanner was enabled.

FSI Layers

Added viewer FSI Layers.
HTML5 and Javascript based viewer to display multiple images or html elements as stacked layers which can be configured.


Feature Release

JDK: 11.0.9
Tomcat: 9.0.40

Important Security Bug-fix Release

Severity: High

CVE-2021-24122 (Tomcat - fixed in 9.0.40)

Extend response headers

Added X-Content-Length and X-Dim headers to image requests. Useful for JS-based image viewers.

Fix importer issue

  • Fixed possible deadlock when import queue was full.
  • Reorg of ordering when big images converted to the storage.

Fix header cache problems

  • Fixed issue with incorrect invalidation of internal header cache. Could result in an incorrect Content-Length header.
  • Removed usage of header cache for batch jobs

FTL Templates

XML-based FTL templates had inconsistent line breaks.

Animated GIF

  • Fixes a problem with non-existent images, when a GIF animation should be created from a picture sequence.
  • Fix issue when image has different resolutions.

Template compatibility

  • Added compatibility for old request with tpl=info requests instead of info.xml
  • Removed FTL compression in all included templates

File operations

Fixed file operation issues from static to storage connectors.

I/O concurrency

Changed default value for "2" to "auto". The optimum value is determined according to the CPU cores.

Aborted HTTP connections

Fixed timeout issues when client request is aborted.

Server halt

Decreased stopping time if server under load. At very high load, stopping could exceed the Tomcat Stop Timeout.

Performance peaks

Increased the maximum of possible threads for image rendering.

Image converter

  • Fixed an issue when BMP images converted. Possible annoying log message removed.
  • Fixed error with some 16-bit / channel images.
  • Increased memory usage per converter thread
  • Changed memory usage calculation per job

PNG reader

Improved memory usage for the PNG image reader


Added EULA agreement to the web interface.


Feature Release

JDK: 11.0.8
Tomcat: 9.0.37

Important Security Bug-fix Release

Severity: High

CVE-2020-13935 (Tomcat - fixed in 9.0.37)
CVE-2020-11996 (Tomcat - fixed in 9.0.36)
CVE-2020-9484 (Tomcat - fixed in 9.0.35)

License test

Changed status code if API license test failed. Before this version the code was 500 and from now on it is 400.

Static connector

Session authentication check with static connectors improved.

PNG Reader

PNG images with wrong ICC profiles (CMYK instead of RGB) is now ignored.

Fallback images per source connector

Added errorImage and importingImage to connectors. You can now define fallback images per connector.

Memory allocation

Added pooling for recurring memory allocations.

Import effects

Fixed incorrect saving of image dimensions when using import effects such as trim.

Import scanner

Decreased the startup and per-round delay for directory scanning. Increased scanning interval in low activity situations.

Time limited licenses

Licence expiry dates now have a little extra time buffer.

Alpha channels

Fixed color issue with some pre-calculated alpha channels.

Encoder auto-negotiation

Fixed negotiation of image encoding with format=auto of old Internet Explorer browsers.


Fixed null pointer exception on shutdown.