VirtualSpace Section
The virtualSpace section is optional and only required if you want to verify the 3D projections for use with hot spots. Using the camera parameters, the viewer calculates the position of the hot spots based on the given 3D coordinates only.
The cube is the bounding box of the spin object in millimeters.
Line width of the drawn cube. Only applies if the parameter drawCube
is activated.
You can specify a rotation offset in degrees.
This is required only, if you started the 360° shooting session at an angle other than 0°.
180 (X) or 360 (Y)Default
Specifies the range of the rotation of a certain axis.
number of scene setsDefault
Defines the initial amount of scene sets in order to ensure the correct posture of hot spot in case your presentation requires the value in
the parameter SceneSets
to differ from the initial amount.
number of scenesDefault
Defines the initial amount of scenes in order to ensure the correct posture of hot spot in case your presentation requires the value in the parameter SceneSets
to differ from the initial amount.
Optionally defines an offset of the spin object on the turn table in mm.
Alternative parameter to shiftX,shiftY,shiftZ
is optional and defines an offset of the spin object on the turn table in mm.