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What is FSI QuickZoom?

FSI QuickZoom is a simple web component which can be used to add image zoom on mouseover or touch.

When hovering over an auto-generated responsive image provided by FSI Server, the part of the image the cursor is currently pointing at will be displayed either

  • enlarged in a zoom window next to the original image (Fly-Out Zoom)
  • or directly in the original image (In-Place Zoom)

How FSI QuickZoom works

FSI QuickZoom searches for all <img> tags in the HTML document containing FSI Server auto-generated responsive image URLs and adds event handlers to them.

When moving the mouse cursor over these images - or moving the finger over an image on a touch device - a magnified image will be displayed next to the original image. The user can move the cursor across the original image to display any image section of interest.


Adding the script

To use FSI QuickZoom, make sure the respective images on your website come from FSI Server and add the following script to the <head> section of your website:

<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>

Adding parameters

Parameters can be defined by adding a <fsi-quickzoom> tag to the <body> part of your document:

<fsi-quickzoom style="display:none"

<img src="//" width="480" alt="">