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How to publish

Publish Sections

Publish Sections Overview

The Publishing interface is divided in five sections:

1: Preset/Parameter List, 2: Source Code, 3: Scripts, 4: Preview and 5: Context Help.

You can change the size of each section by dragging the handles of the section bars to the desired size.

After selecting a publishing option, you can set the desired dimensions, add parameters to design the viewer or image as desired and afterwards copy the source code displayed.

1. Preset/Parameter List

You can choose between various presets (Static Image, Responsive Image, Zoom & Pan, 360° Spins, Catalogues, etc.) within this tab. After choosing a preset the list of available parameters for the publishing option will appear.

2. Source Code

In this area you can see the source code for your selected publishing option which you can edit and copy to publish the images.

3. Required Scripts

In case you have selected a publishing option which requires a viewer (e.g. Responsive Image or Zoom & Pan), the required scripts which need to be included for loading the viewers are listed here.

4. Preview

In this section you see a live preview of the changes applied to the source code. The preview also changes depending on which preset you choose. This makes it easy to immediately see how your images or viewer will look like when it is implemented.

5. Context Help

This section dynamically shows you a description of the selected preset or parameter.

Source Code

Source Code

The Source Code section enables you to control the look of your image or viewer by setting the dimensions and format, as well as adding effects or crop options to it.

Source Code Toolbar Descriptions

Source Code Toolbar Descriptions

The context menu accessible with the button in the upper right also gives you access to the source code menu bar and additionally enables you to open the preview in another window.

Copying the source code

Copying the source code

When you are content with the look of the image or viewer (which you can see in the preview section), you can copy the source code by using the corresponding buttons in the menu or simply select the content of the code editor and copy it into your page.

Required Scripts

Required Scripts

For publishing viewers and responsive images, it is crucial to embed the required scripts to your web page as well. The scripts can be seen in the Required Scripts Section:

You can do so by copying the script manually or use the corresponding button in the source code menu bar or context menu:

Copy as complete HTML5 doc


Parameter Section

Additionally, you can also set various parameters for publishing an image or a viewer. After choosing a preset, the parameter section opens up on the right.

You can add parameters to the source code section by double-clicking on the corresponding parameter. The context help shows a short description of the parameters.

For more in-depth information, please consult the FSI Viewer Online Manual.

Effects Tab

By clicking on the effect button , the effect window opens up.

Double-click on the desired effect or drag it to the left in order to select it. You can adjust the options of the effect or delete it in the right column below the preview image.

If more than one effect is applied, it is also possible to change the processing order of the effects by dragging the effect to the achieved the desired sequence.

By clicking "OK" the effects will be applied to the image or viewer and are visible in the source code.

Effects Tab